Identity is such an interesting concept. Which aspects of yourself do you include in your ‘About Me’ page? Recently retired from my career as a ballet dancer, I seem to carry with myself a unique and exceptionally strong sense of who I am as an artist. ‘I am a dancer’, was the answer that led to so many interesting conversations, opportunities and, to a certain extent, feelings of self-assurance. 

This said, identity may be less concerned with what you actually do and could potentially be defined as what you like and which passions you follow. I prefer this sense, for as human beings in complex society, we are constantly in flux, a transition of some sort is always happening and it is dangerous to assume we are but one thing. Instead, why not answer depending on what you love in that moment? For me, I am a lover of art. I am a lover of food and drink. I am a lover especially of all things that transport you, that hold your attention within a moment in a way that melts the rest of the world and its problems away. This is the way I felt when I was dancing. It’s the way I feel over an exquisitely executed meal. It is the way I feel when I travel to places I have never been, experiencing an ages-old culture, for the first time.

In this space of the inter-web, you will find an amalgam of anecdotes. From food to travel, spontaneous adventures to curated experiences. My journey through the ballet world brings me to where I am now in a way that could never be discounted and my ‘identity’ as a dancer thus never truly dies. It morphs.

And so, I welcome you to me. I encourage you to spend as little or as much time with each post, indulging with me as I narrate some of the more memorable occurrences I experience. The world is always our oyster and oysters are another thing that I love. This must mean I love the world and the experience of it is what makes me, me.